Cough Up the Condoms Fellas

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series My Adventures So Far

Condoms are a tough topic to bring up, let alone discuss when the intensity of a date leads to intimacy for the first time. According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 90 percent of men over 50 didn’t use a condom when they last had sex with a date or casual acquaintance and 70 percent didn’t glove up for a stranger. Our youngsters are evidently more conscientious, with 70 to 80 percent of teens packing them in purses or back pockets to prevent pregnancy, as well as STDs. That’s quite a role reversal.

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When is it time to declare that you ARE dating others or WANT TO BE EXCLUSIVE?

This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series My Adventures So Far

Honesty in a relationship – any relationship – is one of the cornerstones of making it work. Whether that relationship is in the workplace, within a family, a friendship, or with someone you are dating, honesty is key.  But being upfront about our needs, where we feel a relationship is at, when it is time […]

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The “Talk”

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series My Adventures So Far

Traditionally guys hate it when women say, “We need to talk.” Now that I’m single, dating, making friends, not inviting them up to my apartment but saying goodbye at the front door, they want to talk. I ditched the 3-date rule but find myself tripping over it because after five dates the date that brought […]

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