My Phone is a Snitch

I’m dating. Not sleeping around, but dating. Making friends. I went on a day trip to Julian with Ray today. It was chilly, but fun. Bare-limbed-apple orchards hunkered in for winter, wide vistas, incredible warm apple pie ala mode. He and I visited in the car, didn’t slide on the snow-covered roads coming or going, but just as we were pulling up to my apartment, my iPhone 7 blurts, “Bill Jones”. The ID of an incoming call.

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The “Talk”

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series My Adventures So Far

Traditionally guys hate it when women say, “We need to talk.” Now that I’m single, dating, making friends, not inviting them up to my apartment but saying goodbye at the front door, they want to talk. I ditched the 3-date rule but find myself tripping over it because after five dates the date that brought […]

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