What If?

It’s nearly midnight and I’m watching Sex and the City 2 for the first time. Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte are married. Samantha is 52 and the only single soul among them. She’s secured a week in the Middle-East, first class, all expenses paid for all four of them. The man Carrie lived and cried for […]

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ZOLTAR SPEAKS…oh boy, did he ever

Zoltar the Fortune Teller and I locked eyes in the Ruby Cave Visitor’s Center near Chattanooga, Tennessee of all places. Swathed in satin and the scent of mildew, he beckoned me. I had no idea he’d send a message so insanely directed at me and what I was wrestling with. Come on…his fortunes have perforated […]

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My Phone is a Snitch

I’m dating. Not sleeping around, but dating. Making friends. I went on a day trip to Julian with Ray today. It was chilly, but fun. Bare-limbed-apple orchards hunkered in for winter, wide vistas, incredible warm apple pie ala mode. He and I visited in the car, didn’t slide on the snow-covered roads coming or going, but just as we were pulling up to my apartment, my iPhone 7 blurts, “Bill Jones”. The ID of an incoming call.

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Cough Up the Condoms Fellas

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series My Adventures So Far

Condoms are a tough topic to bring up, let alone discuss when the intensity of a date leads to intimacy for the first time. According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 90 percent of men over 50 didn’t use a condom when they last had sex with a date or casual acquaintance and 70 percent didn’t glove up for a stranger. Our youngsters are evidently more conscientious, with 70 to 80 percent of teens packing them in purses or back pockets to prevent pregnancy, as well as STDs. That’s quite a role reversal.

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